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Friday, March 06, 2009

One Month Later

I love the look on Cecilia's face here!


We have survived the first month as a family of five! Cecilia is such a good baby that the past month has not been as difficult as we expected it to be with a newborn! Cecilia's addition has completed our family, and we all feel so blessed and happy to have her. I am overwhelmed by having experienced three uneventful pregnancies & deliveries and by having three healthy vibrant children.
Cecilia is more alert every day and giving us a decent amount of sleep even! The past few nights she has gone to bed late, but she only wakes up once during the night, so I can't complain! Clark & Clementine already captivate her. At her two week check up she was back up to her birth weight and had already grown half an inch. We know she has grown more since then because she has grown out of newborn diapers and clothing, and we don't have to roll up the sleeves of 0-3 month outfits. She is our sweet little baby girl and Daddy's newest little princess.
Adam & I feel the fear already of raising and protecting two daughters. We of course are very protective of Clark, but girls are a little different - especially now that we have two of them!

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