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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Clark insisted on wearing a tie for this picture. In fact, he just brought me the tie and asked to wear it right now as I'm typing. Dad did a good job on the Brutus pumpkin, don't you think? Clark liked it. Posted by Picasa
Trick-or-treating for the first time. Changing into his clown costume was proving to be too traumatic, so we just went out in the pumpkin hoodie that he loves. Posted by Picasa
Picking out our pumpkins at the church pumpkin patch.  Posted by Picasa
On the swings, of course. Posted by Picasa
Monday was gorgeous, so we took advantage of what could be our last nice day for the year at the park. Posted by Picasa
The Dellinger/Metz/Raike clan were there to see the Browns win! Pictured are Adam, Grandpa Ralph Dellinger (hence Clark's middle name), MB, Jason & Abbey Raike (Adam's sister). Adam's aunt, Vick, was also there, but she was taking the picture. Posted by Picasa
Checking out his loot. Posted by Picasa
Nice candy drool. With those curls, Clark had to be a clown for Halloween. Posted by Picasa
The very scary clown family at AC's Trunk-or-Treat. Posted by Picasa
It's more fun to play with the toys while sitting in the toy box with them apparently. This is Clark making his Dad proud with a big, "O." He does "O-H-I," but usually forgets the second "O." Clark also now thinks the alphabet goes "a-b-c-d-e-f-g-H-I-O." Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

Clark's Sunday school teacher, Ruth ("uth" to Clark), sings a song, "Pat the Bible," every week in class. Before we read our Bible story, Clark has to pat the Bible. When he's done, he opens it up and we can read. "Uth" has taught Clark so much. As previous posts reiterate, Clark and Ruth have a special bond. It will be hard for both of them in a couple of weeks when Clark is promoted to the next class.  Posted by Picasa
A man of many expressions. Posted by Picasa
Clark, his bear, and a Bible story - it must be bedtime. Posted by Picasa
This field of sunflowers is on the way to our church. Posted by Picasa
Two buddies sharing an evening out on the course. Posted by Picasa
Clark's turn to get Daddy soaked. Posted by Picasa
Which one should I pick next? Posted by Picasa
This is the best game - everyone is a winner! Clark played for at least an hour - no exaggeration. Posted by Picasa
Meal times are always fun times except for the person who has to clean up the mess. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21, 2006

Clark & mom escaped the heat at the Westerville Public Library today. We'll go back tomorrow for story time, but today was just an adventure in exploration and letting Clark check out a couple of new story books to read. Posted by Picasa
How about this one? Posted by Picasa
Taking a break. All this reading and exploring is exhausting! Besides they have cool weird chairs to sit on here. Clark had to climb or sit on every piece of furniture in the children's library. He finally settled on this chair for a few minutes. Posted by Picasa
Checking out the juvenile non-fiction. It's not because he is so smart he wants to read about the works of DaVinci or how trains operate. He wanted to peruse this section because it has taller shelves than the fiction section and cool stools to climb on. Posted by Picasa
He actually posed for the camera! Clark loves his picnic table. Thanks, Grandma! Posted by Picasa
Don't waste your time blowing bubbles. It's much more entertaining to stick your tongue through these cool holes. Posted by Picasa