Saturday, September 20, 2008
Toledo Botanical Gardens
More from Toledo
Cousin Austin!
Clark & Clementine were both so sweet and gentle with the baby. Yes, that's right, even Clementine was sweet and gentle. Surprisingly enough she was able to stay calm even while I held Austin. It could have been that she was too preoccupied telling Abbey & Jason's dog, Tressel, "No more!" because they seemed to taunt each other quite a bit. I don't have any pictures to illustrate how Clementine & Tressel got along well as long as they each stayed on their side of the room. Tressel was being protective of Austin, but Clementine really wanted to be up close to the baby. To get close to Austin, though, she had to cross over to Tressel's side of the room. Clementine & Tressel were great pals when both of them were calm and well tempered. It did happen occasionally. Clementine even tried to kiss Tressel once. I can't believe he didn't lick her face. That would have definitely prompted a harsh, "No more!" from her lips.
Hurricane Winds in Ohio?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Metz Milestones
Clark's first day of preschool was last week! We are so excited to have a preschool for him at our church! After months and months of watching and waiting through all the preparations he was so excited when his first day of school was here. He loves his teacher, Mrs. Angie, and thinks she is so cool and fun. Angie is a good friend who was right alongside me through the whole process slaving away getting the preschool off the ground. I am so glad that Clark is in her class!
He has already learned so much in just two weeks. He had his first show and tell day. Since they are learning about the letter "A," he was encouraged to bring something that started with the letter "A." Bug, he brought that little alligator we bought for him at Gator Park and told about his trip to Flordida (as he says it).
I am so thankful to everyone who helped get Alum Creek Preschool open! We have been so blessed. I started a waiting list this week for one of the classes, and the other two classes are almost full.
Clementine is learning how to adjust to being at church but not being with Clark during school hours. She is loving the extra one-on-one time with Dad. We're all adjusting to our new routines, but so far everything is going great!
This is a picture of Clark on his first day in class. We have pictures of him with his backpack and lunch box, but those are on the other computer so maybe they'll make a future post.