It was a perfect day in Cleveland yesterday for Opening Day 2008! This was the first game at the newly named Progressive Field which doesn't quite have the same ring as the "Jake," but I guess we'll have to get used to it. The weather was perfect, and though the pitching was far from perfect, the Tribe worked as a team to get a 10-8 victory over the White Sox.
Clark's anticipation grew as we drove to Cleveland yesterday. By the time he could see the park, he was downright giddy and ready to jump out of the car. The time it took to find a parking space was agonizing for him. When Grady Sizemore was announced he almost fell off his perch atop Adam's shoulders due to the exuberant flailing of his arms and other signs of cheering. I've never seen him so excited. All he could talk about was Grady and Casey. Grady & Casey Blake both had great games yesterday, so his excitement was shared by all around us.
Clark got to see Slider, but he was more excited about the C.C. Sabathia baseball card one of Slider's cheer posse people gave him. I saw Slider while walking around with Clementine (trying to get her to take a nap) but didn't have a camera. Slider kept blowing her kisses and a woman nearby took her picture and offered to e-mail it to me. I'll post it when (and if) it comes. Clementine is still trying to get over this bug she has had since Thursday night of last week. We took her to the game yesterday because she seemed to be over it. She was fine yesterday (but cranky since she is so difficult to get to nap away from a bed), but the symptoms have returned today along with a faucet of snot where her nose should be. Here's hoping our home will be germ free soon!