Clark was insistent about having his picture made in front of this hedge. He was also excited about getting his picture made by himself with his little cousin. Scroll down to read more about Austin. This wasn't a great picture but it was the only one I got with our camera. Abbey got a better one that will be posted on her blog at some point I'm sure whenever she finds time with a newborn at home.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Toledo Botanical Gardens
Clark was insistent about having his picture made in front of this hedge. He was also excited about getting his picture made by himself with his little cousin. Scroll down to read more about Austin. This wasn't a great picture but it was the only one I got with our camera. Abbey got a better one that will be posted on her blog at some point I'm sure whenever she finds time with a newborn at home.
More from Toledo
Grandma & PaPa Ralph came over on Thursday evening to join us for dinner. We took Clark to a neat little diner that brings your food to you on a train. There were also three televisions showing three different Thomas movies so he thought he was at the greatest place on the planet while we were there. The sign above the table reads, "Please do not allow parents to touch train." Clark was quick to inform Grandma that she wasn't allowed to touch it.
Clark with his headphones and "CD-D player" is a common sight for us. He is always listening to the Ohio State marching band and singing along. If I can get a video of him singing I'll post it, but he usually gets shy when we start recording him. In this picture he was looking at an OSU tin at Abbey's house while listening to the band.
With Austin in our car, this is a preview of what traveling with the Metzes will look like come February. It's good to know that 3 carseats can be crammed back there!
Cousin Austin!
Clark & Clementine were both so sweet and gentle with the baby. Yes, that's right, even Clementine was sweet and gentle. Surprisingly enough she was able to stay calm even while I held Austin. It could have been that she was too preoccupied telling Abbey & Jason's dog, Tressel, "No more!" because they seemed to taunt each other quite a bit. I don't have any pictures to illustrate how Clementine & Tressel got along well as long as they each stayed on their side of the room. Tressel was being protective of Austin, but Clementine really wanted to be up close to the baby. To get close to Austin, though, she had to cross over to Tressel's side of the room. Clementine & Tressel were great pals when both of them were calm and well tempered. It did happen occasionally. Clementine even tried to kiss Tressel once. I can't believe he didn't lick her face. That would have definitely prompted a harsh, "No more!" from her lips.
Clark especially liked to help Austin take his bottles. He also learned quickly that Austin likes his pacifier so anytime Austin cried Clark was quick to shove the pacifier in his mouth. This was actually quite handy while we were driving around town with all three children strapped into our backseat.
Clementine loved Austin's swing. Once she realized it wasn't for her she was happy to help entertain him while he was swinging. When the swing wasn't occupied by Austin, it was a place for Clementine to play with a baby doll that actually belonged to Abbey when she was little. I was shocked to learn that Abbey actually had a doll as a child until she told me about the creepy things she could do with it's eyes. That explained why tomboy Abbey had such a girly toy.
What a cute kid! Don't we have the cutest nephew? Austin hadn't slept much the day we arrived so he slept a lot while we were there. When he was awake, though, we got to see several smiles, and I was lucky enough to catch one on camera. He has a great smile. We love this little guy!
Hurricane Winds in Ohio?
This is the top half of one of our pine trees that fell into our neighbor's yard. The kids loved playing in what they called the jungle. If you look closely in the picture below you can see Clark in the top of the tree branches. When Adam took the chain saw to the tree, the kids watched from the house windows while begging him not to do it. They loved their natural playground. Our neighbors preferred to have their yard back, though, so the jungle had to go.
This was the oldest tree in the neighborhood. It was a beautiful tree before it landed in their living room.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Metz Milestones
Clark's first day of preschool was last week! We are so excited to have a preschool for him at our church! After months and months of watching and waiting through all the preparations he was so excited when his first day of school was here. He loves his teacher, Mrs. Angie, and thinks she is so cool and fun. Angie is a good friend who was right alongside me through the whole process slaving away getting the preschool off the ground. I am so glad that Clark is in her class!
He has already learned so much in just two weeks. He had his first show and tell day. Since they are learning about the letter "A," he was encouraged to bring something that started with the letter "A." Bug, he brought that little alligator we bought for him at Gator Park and told about his trip to Flordida (as he says it).
I am so thankful to everyone who helped get Alum Creek Preschool open! We have been so blessed. I started a waiting list this week for one of the classes, and the other two classes are almost full.
Clementine is learning how to adjust to being at church but not being with Clark during school hours. She is loving the extra one-on-one time with Dad. We're all adjusting to our new routines, but so far everything is going great!
This is a picture of Clark on his first day in class. We have pictures of him with his backpack and lunch box, but those are on the other computer so maybe they'll make a future post.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The following pictures depict Adam's frivolous spending and lack of control while shopping alone at Target. Clark calls it his huge slide. The other swimming pool that has always satisfied him is now the old pool for babies like Clementine according to Clark. I will admit that it is nice to have a deeper pool of water for Mom & Dad to cool off in while Clark plays.
Clementine loves looking in the mirror. When you tell her she's pretty she starts primping her hair and smiling. She also loves accessories. She really likes to put on hats or her sunglasses and then check herself out in the mirror.
Memorial Day Weekend Highlights
We went to an Indians game on Friday and spent the night in Cleveland this time. We sat in the front row of the bleachers so Clark had a great view of Grady Sizemore. Adam still has all the pics from the game on his laptop so I'll have to post those later. The next morning, Clark thought we were heading home but was extremely surprised when we stopped in Peninsula, OH, for "A Day out with Thomas." It was as if all of his dreams had come true within 24 hours. He told me, "Mom, that was a cool surprise! Can we ride Thomas again tomorrow?" We spent Memorial Day in Toledo at Abbey & Jason's house for a Metz family cookout. Above is Clark learning how to lead off first, and the picture below is of the boys trying to figure out how to get the baseball hit over the fence.
I like to call this picture, "Watering the Grass." Clark has discovered the convenience of being a boy having to go pee while outdoors. You never know when it's coming, he just drops everything and heads to a corner or other discreet (or so he thinks) location. At home, his favorite spot is the forsythia bush.
Day out with Thomas
On the train ride. Clark is showing off his new water tanker car that you can only purchase at the 2008 Day out with Thomas.
Waving goodbye to Thomas when it was time to go home.
In the maze.
There were story times, movie times, an inflatable train to play in, a tent with so many train tables to play on, art activities, and a huge store of course, but Clark's favorite thing by far was to ride a big real train that was pulled by everyone's favorite really useful engine, Thomas. I'm so glad we were able to surprise him. He didn't know what was going on until after we had parked the car and were walking towards the tents. Thomas came around the bend and Clark's eyes got so big as he started yelling, "Mom, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!" We all had a special family weekend, and were so happy to share in his excitement! We have truly been blessed by being able to see such joy in the faces of our children. I look forward to seeing them mature and find joy in all the other things life has in store.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Celebrating Clementine
What a happy & healthy one year old!
Well, finally, Clementine's first birthday post. As most of you reading know, the month of April was a difficult one for Clementine. She just couldn't stay healthy! We are so blessed to be able to reassure everyone now that our little Clementine is just that - little. She is gaining weight now and has been healthy for two weeks straight now! Grandparents, aunts, & one uncle came to our house the weekend before her birthday for a small party, but Clementine wasn't feeling very photogenic. How photogenic would you be with a temp of 104 degrees? Clementine spent most of her birthday party day at urgent care being poked and prodded until they gave her an antibiotic shot that took care of the illness - the source of which still remains a mystery. Despite her illness, she still wanted to eat her birthday cake and was still interested in her presents. Adam & I gave her a locket, and her brother picked out a nice Ariel water sprinkler for her (no selfish motivations at all there, you think?). She also received lots of cute clothes and special baby dolls. The gears toy she got from her Aunt Abbey & Uncle Jason has been a huge hit with both her & her brother.
By her actual birthday, though, she was feeling great! The boys went to the church while Mommy & Clementine spent the whole day together - just the two of us! The fun really started the night before with a trip to Graeter's in Uptown. The night before she was born we had Graeter's so we decided that should be her birthday eve tradition. On her birthday, she and I purchased columbine plants from a little shop in Uptown that are named "Clementine Rose" to plant in our backyard perennial garden. We spent the rest of the day playing outside & swinging at the park. That evening, our friends the Damrons came over for dinner. Bill Damron is a very special man to our family. He loves and adores our children (all children, really), and his birthday is the day after Clementine's. Adam made a birthday cake from scratch for his little girl and Bill. We had such a fun day and evening. Clementine was full of smiles & giggles all day long. The Metz family loved celebrating Clementine!
Hope you enjoy the slideshow! I threw in a couple photos of our trip to the zoo (on the carousel) last month, and the random blond girl is our neighbor & Clark's friend, Gabbie. They spend just about every day together so it was only fitting that she be there to assist in opening Clementine's birthday gifts.