Here's some pics of our afternoon at the park down the street yesterday. We learned that Clark loves to swing and that too much swinging (which isn't very much) makes his parents nauseated.
Can we go again, Daddy?
Fearless. He has not found a slide yet that he cannot conquer.
Clark's new trick that he learned just yesterday (we think) is how to climb onto the table so sneakily and quietly that his parents don't hear him. Caught red handed - here's the evidence.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Clark and Dad got out the new pool last Sunday afternoon. The ice cold water wasn't a hit at first, but he eventually warmed up to it and loved the slide especially!
We spent the hot and humid Memorial Day hanging out in Defiance with the Metz bunch. Is there any denying that Clark is a Metz? He is definitely his Grandpa's boy - loving to be outside and who can deny the family resemblence?
Playing with Dad in Defiance on Memorial Day.
Taking over the Queen's throne as Prince Clark at the Metz home in Defiance.
Clark loves to brush his teeth. Now that he has learned how to climb on the toilet by himself, he loves to sit there and brush his teeth. Now we just have to teach him to use the toilet.
The Metzes live together every day seeking out the truth of God in the routine of their life. Adam is the minister of the Alum Creek Church in the northern suburbs of Columbus, OH. Mary Beth also works there directing the Alum Creek Preschool and as church secretary. Clark is nearing five and idolizes baseball. Clementine is a spunky two and on her way to wreaking havoc on boys. Cecilia was born in 2009 and is growing more and more every day. What a blessed life we live.